5 New Tools For Hosting


In case you hadn’t heard, we’re all-in on hosts. We want to make hosting an online talk group on Pace simple and rewarding.

To kick off 2024, we’re launching five new tools for hosts:

1. A quick poll to kick off Discuss

We’re slotting in a poll between (2) Hot Seat and (3) Discuss to help you keep the conversation flowing smoothly. Everyone gets the question, “What came up for you during Hot Seat?” and they pick the responses that hit home. Then, everyone sees what’s been picked. It’s a simple way to have a lot to jump into with Discuss.

2. Host Rewards

We’re introducing a new program that celebrates the awesome hosts who are at the heart of our community. As a thank you, hosts get exclusive swag and special gifts, unlocked at milestones like the 10th, 50th, and 100th sessions hosted.

3. Pace starts at 3 people

Now, Check In kicks off when the third attendee arrives, including you. After 1000s of sessions, we’ve found that 3 is the sweet spot for when it’s time to start – enough to kick off a great conversation and easy for latecomers to jump right in. So, if it’s just you or two, hang tight, shoot the shit, and relax until the third person gets there.

4. Book next week session

Experienced hosts know: inviting members to book next week during Closing is *the* way to keep your group’s momentum going. People may really like your group, but may not say it out loud – but they will tap that simple option, so be sure to tee it up in session. It’s so useful that we made a new tweak: If there’s a canceled session next week, we’ll automatically show the next available session to book.

5. Session counts. Welcome newbies and congratulate milestones

Starting this week, you can now see how many total sessions a member has attended, right beside their name in session. Pretty handy, especially if it’s someone’s first group at Pace. Be sure to welcome new members to Pace. And congratulate others on nice round milestones!